Young, old and everyone in between: We've got Thanksgiving games and activities that all ages can enjoy. From crafting turkey cupcakes to testing your Turkey Day trivia skills, these ideas are sure to make your Thanksgiving as fun as it is delicious.
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Photo: Jalynn Baker
Let the Thanksgiving Games Begin
For many of us, Thanksgiving is the time of year when friends and family of all ages gather under one roof. And, if you've been handed the title of "host," it's safe to say you've got a lot on your plate. To ensure everyone has fun this year, we've come up with a few fall-tastic Thanksgiving games and activities for entertaining everyone from kids to grandparents.
Still have plenty of leftover Halloween candy on hand? Fill a glass jar before guests arrive and place a note beside it challenging them to guess how many candies are in the jar. Pick a designated prize or simply send the winner home with the jar of candy.
Don't you just wanna gobble this turkey cupcake up? So will your little ones. Bake cupcakes the day before and have icing and small bowls of candy prepped so kids can start decorating their cupcakes as soon as the festivities begin. Bake up some Thanksgiving fun with our how-to, below.
Thanksgiving crafts don't have to be edible to be a hit with the kiddos. Minimal prep and basic craft supplies are all you need to keep kids busy creating these tiny turkeys. Get our step-by-step tutorial below and start crafting.