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21 Edible Flowers: Weeds and Flowers You Can Actually Eat

June 25, 2020

A surprising array of pretty flowers and ordinary weeds are actually edible. Find out which edible flowers and weeds you can add to your next salad.

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Photo: Photo by Julie A. Martens

Dandelion Field

Learn about edible weeds and flowers you can find in your yard. Editor's Note: The content of this article is provided for general informational purposes only. Be cautioned that some wild plants can be poisonous, and poisonous plants sometimes resemble edible plants which often grow side by side. It is the responsibility of the reader, or the reader’s parent or guardian, to correctly identify and use the edible plants described. HGTV does not guarantee the accuracy of the content provided in this article and is not liable for any injury resulting from use of any information provided.

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Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

This suburban lawn scourge boasts a truly useful nature. Flowers (minus the green parts) are edible and have more beta-carotene than carrots. Add them to salads, bread and fry them, or ferment into a fruity wine. Young leaves offer the mildest flavor and are a gourmet salad green, rich with vitamins. Harvest the roots, dry, roast and brew them for a coffee substitute.

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Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)

Celebrate easy-growing beauty by planting a handful of nasturtium seeds. Both flowers and leaves are edible on this annual, offering a tangy, peppery punch. Reduce the zinginess of the flavor by keeping plants well-watered. Leaves are rich in vitamin C and make a fine addition to salads or soups. Chop flowers to add to seafood salads, or use whole blossoms to decorate cupcakes.

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Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

Gather the fresh flowers of this cheery weed to use in teas or salads. You can also pan roast blooms until crispy. Red clover flowers are packed with protein and also rich in beta-carotene, bioflavonoids and vitamins C and most of the B’s. Young leaves are somewhat tasty in salads, but they’re more of an acquired taste. Older leaves are edible, but not the best tasting. Many people are allergic to clover but don’t know it, so consume it in small amounts at first.

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